…to my cozy nook in cyberworld. Grab a cup of coffee or tea. I take my coffee very dark, with cream and stevia.
Pull up a chair and let's get to know each other. Introductions are typically followed by a quick list.
Wife to Jeff
Mother of three beautiful, adult daughters
Proud Nana (best thing ever)
Founder of SEEN Ministry for Single Moms
Author of "The Unseen Companion- God with the Single Mother"
Writer of children's picture books and Christian non-fiction
Speaker, storyteller
Elementary art teacher
BA, Elementary Education; M.Ed., Integrated Teaching Through the Arts
Amateur, love-my-equipment-but-don’t-practice-enough photographer
Equally amateur artist and verified closet hoarder of art supplies
And this is where our friendship begins. Deep within the bullet point lists are the real stories of our lives. Stories, that if well-told, produce laughter and tears and require many cups of coffee. For me, there is the story of a single mother who built a new life with her daughters. There was the pursuit of education, despite the scarcity of time, money, and energy. There is the story of a second chance to be married and another of adoption. There is the story of a children's writer, whose characters dance and play and sing inside her mind, but whose words still get caught in her throat.
But, there is an even greater story.
A story of God pulling a lost soul from the depths.
A story of grace, redemption, and life restored. A heart of stone transformed into a heart of flesh.
Of this story, I am most passionate. I’m warning you. It might get sappy.
This is a love stor
Yes, I’m all about sharing the love, one story at a time. Here, you will find stories of faith, family, ministry, and writing. You will also find resources for single moms, the fatherless, ministry leaders, and information about my upcoming events.
Yes. My life is very busy but fulfilling. I wouldn't change a thing. Not one.
Ok... there was this bad sushi I ate once. I would change that, but the rest of it can stay. The good. The bad. The ugly and victorious. You will learn I am passionate about story and every good story (every good life) must have both storms and sun. And on a very rare occasion, bad sushi.
Now it is your turn, my new friend. I’d love to get to know you. To share confidentially, go to the “connect” page and tell me a bit of your story. The good. The bad. The ugly and victorious. Your story is important and worth sharing. I’m listening. To share publicly, write your comments below any blog post in the “stories” section.
With love,