Do you have a heart for single mothers? Consider hosting a small group in your home or church. This leader’s guide and bible study will help you develop a strong foundation of community from which to grow.
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Leaders Guide
Developing Community Among Single Mothers is a free, five-week bible study designed to build a strong foundation for small groups of single mothers who desire to grow in community with one another.
Focusing on the purpose and function of community, this study teaches:
Our triune God lives in holy community with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God gave us the gift of community to draw us out of isolation and into a relationship with God and one another. Community provides us with perspective, wisdom, accountability, support, love, and compassion. We learn to use our collective strength to meet the spiritual and tangible needs of one another. Community allows us to share our stories in a supportive and encouraging environment.
Once an understanding and sense of community has been established, the group will be in a strong position to continue their support of one another through study, prayer, and fellowship. Consider studying The Unseen Companion- God with the Single Mother, also by Michelle Lynn Senters.
Video #1
The Purpose of Community
In this video, women will learn about God’s design for community and the importance of combating isolation with companionship.
Video #2
The Function of Community
Every member of the community has a powerful and important role. Women will learn how to access their strengths and needs in order to find their place within the community.